2007 National Tournament

Dates:  August 2-4, 2007

Location:  Kansas City, MO  (Bread of Life Church)

Host:  Todd Gordon

Official Events - winner (click for complete results spreadsheets):




Type 1 - 2 player 84 Gabe Isbell, IA
Type 1 - Multiplayer   35 Daniel Whitten, GA
Type 2 - 2 player   40 Justin Alstad, MN
Type 2 - Multiplayer   44 Nathan Voigt, MN
Sealed Deck   60 Chad Soderstrom, TX
Booster Draft 112 Brad Coverdale, OH
Type A - 2 player 10 Kenny Parks, MO

Unofficial Events - winner

TeamsTeams - Ben Arp, WA & Kirk Dennison, FL

Iron Man Kirk Dennison, FL

Settlers of Canaan - Chris Bany, MN

Attendance: approximately 150

Promo:  Priests of Christ

Official Judges:  Rob Anderson, Chris Bany, Mike Berkenpas, Bryon Hake, Tim Maly

Trivia:  Faith of our Fathers Tins debuted and are used for Booster Draft